want to sell B grade 125x125mm mono PV solar cell

B grade is mean a little trouble for quality not big quality trouble, can be use original application like as lower price module or panel
It's new one from cell factory not used one whole sahpe but a little quality troubel

two kind
1) LS(low shunt) cell by a little miss printing on surface 2.3watt/cell
44,300cell, it's weight is 8.8g/cellx44,300=389.84Kg

2) Spec. out cell because lower than limit minimum eff. of
factory's internal standard, 1.9watt/cell x 40,000cell,
12.2g/cell x 40,000cell= total 488Kg
Total = 877,84Kg
all 125x125mm mono solar cell

price is basically USD 1.0/watt but if who want to buy weight over 200Kg
will be consider selling by weight base


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