Centrosolar Glas increases PV glass production, readies new antireflective nanocoating process

Centrosolar's Glas unit has increased its annual solar glass manufacturing capacity to 6 million square meters at its factory in Fürth, Germany, and has a new antireflective nanocoating process set to go into volume production before the end of the year. The company says that it has invested €10 million over the past two years to double its production output because of the addition of new customers in Europe, North America, and Asia, and that the newly installed capacity is being fully utilized, with further expansion plans already in the pipeline.
The company says that its best-selling product is antireflective-coated solar glass that can boost the annual power output of a solar module by 4-7%. The new patented nanocoating feature set to go into volume production soon can now also be applied just on one side, and across the entire surface, making the processing of this solar glass even more efficient.
"At times like the present, where everyone looks very closely at the efficiency of a plant, solar glass with antireflective properties represents a growth market," said Ralf Ballasch, managing director of Centrosolar Glas. "Solar cell manufacturers are boosting the efficiency of energy conversion within the cell itself, and with our ultratransmissible solar glass, we are playing our part in getting even more energy out of the entire solar module."
Two major American solar companies and a Chinese solar module manufacturer were recently added to the company's portfolio of customers, he added.
"The preferential subsidies available for roof systems in many countries have also directly benefited our subsidiary Centrosolar Glas," remarked Alexander Kirsch, chairman of the parent company's management board. "Roof area is limited, so the efficiency of the modules installed there consequently is all the more important. We have responded to this trend by promptly extending our production capacity for highly transparent antireflective solar glass."
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