unveil Korea's net zero house, we called EZ House

Energy-consuming zero-house demonstration complex was completed in Seoul last Thursday
In order to save energy as much as possible in terms of energy consumption, the demonstration project with the latest technologies is composed of 100 households, apartments and multi-family houses 

High-quality insulation was installed on the outer walls of all houses, and a solar panel for solar power was installed on top of it.
All windows were constructed with triple-confidential windows, and geothermal circulation pumping was installed for cold and hot water 

In the winter when demand for heating is high, or in summer where demand for cooling is high, electricity will be supplied through the power grid. However, during the rest of the year, electricity generated from the solar panels will be supplied to the grid
if you look at it for a year, it's called net zero house because its energy consumption is zero 
The central government and the government of the city of Seoul plan to apply the technology to all houses and apartments to be constructed in the future 

In terms of energy supply, policy to stop construction of new nuclear power plants and strengthen supply of renewable energy has already been announced 
in terms of energy consumption, this policy is to expand housing with zero energy consumption
in other words, the plan is to promote carbon reduction policies simultaneously in terms of supply and consumption


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